PEPPERALARM™ is completely different from other alarm systems because this unique alarm device provides IMMEDIATE PROTECTION.
When the wireless, do-it-yourself burglar alarm system is activated by an intruder, it instantly disburses pepper spray into the air of the area to be protected, forcing the thief to turn around and flee – empty handed.
This device was originally developed to DEFEND businesses after hours, however, it can also be applied to protect UNOCCUPIED homes, cabins, garages, trailers, yachts, RVs, service vehicles, workshops, construction site tool cribs, anywhere safety and security is deemed to be a high priority.
The Pepperalarm RS101 alarm system provides instant protection from would-be robbers by using a 1.8 oz. canister of Sabre OC pepper spray as a form of home defense. Although the Pepperalam RS101 was designed as a DIY stand-alone device, it can also connect to any existing 12 volt burglar alarm system by a qualified alarm technician.
When the wireless, do-it-yourself burglar alarm system is activated by an intruder, it instantly disburses pepper spray into the air of the area to be protected, forcing the thief to turn around and flee – empty handed.
This device was originally developed to DEFEND businesses after hours, however, it can also be applied to protect UNOCCUPIED homes, cabins, garages, trailers, yachts, RVs, service vehicles, workshops, construction site tool cribs, anywhere safety and security is deemed to be a high priority.

Pepperalarm RS101 alarm system provides instant protection from
would-be robbers by using a 1.8 oz. canister of Sabre OC pepper spray as
a form of home defense. Although the Pepperalam RS101 was designed as a
DIY stand-alone device, it can also connect to any existing 12 volt
burglar alarm system by a qualified alarm technician. - See more at:
Pepperalarm RS101 alarm system provides instant protection from
would-be robbers by using a 1.8 oz. canister of Sabre OC pepper spray as
a form of home defense. Although the Pepperalam RS101 was designed as a
DIY stand-alone device, it can also connect to any existing 12 volt
burglar alarm system by a qualified alarm technician. - See more at:
Where can I buy one or order online